Dunedin Multi-Ethnic Council – Celebrating Diversity

We are Ōtepoti Dunedin

Sai Group Dunedin

Supriya Devi – devsu523@hotmail.com
Latika Samalia – latika.samalia@otago.ac.nz

Who are we: 

We are a service group based on Sai Baba’s teaching – with the Motto – “LOVE ALL SERVE ALL”

This group is not a religious group – everyone is included but the teaching are incorporated with Hindu teachings.

It includes people from all religions, faiths, and nationalities. Its goal is to help people realize the Divine Principle innate in every human being. This is achieved by doing selfless service and achieving self-transformation by practicing the five universal human values of Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Nonviolence. This Divine Principle within is expressed by manifesting love in thought, word, and deed.

It was started in 1990 by Dr Valli Raghupatti with support of other families in Dunedin.

Function of this group is:

  • help their members to realize their own innate divinity.
  • to promote and practice harmony of religions and unity of faiths
  • to support fellow followers of Sai teaching
  • to instil discipline in daily life
  • learn to l love and service others in the society
  • include children to teach discipline
  • also it’s a form of meditation
  • to promote in its members ever-increasing faith in God.
  • to provide a loving environment that nourishes the devotion of its members

What and how do we meet:

We meet each Thursday at 7pm during winter and 7.30pm at other times for one hour.

We follow the NZ Sai Organization instruction and recite mantras and sing bhajans / religious song from all faiths and languages.

We meet at the University’s clubs and society’s building so we can include the university students but at University break time we take turns to host these at different member’s homes.

There is some fellowship at the end and we finish in one hour (time is strictly followed)

What Dunedin means to us:

We are from different areas of the world and have made Dunedin home but we do not forget our homeland.

Sai Group

Emblem for our organisation.